Dolmenwood Book of Hours: Lymewald

Continuing from the last post, here's the Lymewald entry, with detail for the major saints' days. This is the target styling for the entire Book.

Nun holding a reliquary. Source: The Morgan Library and Museum


Deep Winter, 2nd Month of the Year

2ChimeThe Feast of St. Waylord.
3HaymeThe Feast of St. Gondyw.

Pluritine Observances: Blackeswell hosts the largest observance, where the people put on a pageant showing the old kings converting to the Pluritine faith and driving out the "snakes" of the old religions. Smaller pageants occur elsewhere.

9ChimeThe Feast of St. Calafredus.
15CollyThe Feast of St. Wynne.
19FriskThe Feast of St. Albrith.
23ChimeThe Feast of St. Fredulus.
28SunningThe Feast of St. Eggort.

Pluritine Observances: It is custom to keep a simple beeswax candle lit through the night, from sundown on the 28th of Lymewald to sunup on the 1st of Haggryme. This is said to help guide lingering souls to the afterlife.

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